Friday, July 16, 2010

Has anyone heard of or dealt with trans atlantic sweepstakes and lotteries?

i received a check for $3,850.00 from them to enable me to finance the international clearance fees of $3,850.00 in order to collect the first prize of $250,000.00. they want me to deposit the check in my bank account and when it clears take the money to some designated location where i will be given a ticket to show i paid and the prize money will be sent to me overnight delivery. i believe this to be a scam even though the check i received does look genuine.

Has anyone heard of or dealt with trans atlantic sweepstakes and lotteries?
It is a scam.

It's a variation of the advance fee fraud scams, only this one appears "legit" because they rely on the fact that a lot of people will think "how could they be scamming me if they gave me the money to pay the fees?", and then greed totally takes over on the mind of the person being scammed.

The catch is that the check is counterfeit and you won't find that out until after you give them the money. The more elaborate the counterfeit is, the longer it will take for the check to be returned. The bank will then hold you responsible for the money, and if the police think you are part of the counterfeit scheme, you will have criminal charges as well.

You aren't going to collect any "prize".
Reply:We also received a check from Trans Atlantic for $3850. The check looks good but we heard on the Clark Howard radio show ( about Matthew Shinnick who received a phony check %26amp; ended up handcuffed in a BofA %26amp; jailed for almost 12 hours. He has spent over 14gs clearing himself. Report Abuse

Reply:yes, I also received the same letter and a check for 3,850.00 And of coarse I believe it to be a scam in my gut. to deposit this check in my account gives them aces to the account and I believe they are just "to good to be true". I logged on this site as you to see if anyone else has been "notified" and low and behold there you were asking the same question as I. I plan to investigate this further and will let you know what info I careful!!! I find this absolutely UN believable
Reply:I get notices for scams like this all the time.---DON'T DO IT!!!! People have ways of getting your bank account numbers and personal information. Anything you have to pay for is illegal. I know someone this happened to and had to send over $1000. to cover delivery?? fees. He THOUGHT he was going to get close to a million dollars. I even warned him but he did it anyway and never heard a word again.
Reply:By depositing the check, they will be able to access your account information. DO NOT DO THIS%26lt; IT IS A SCAM. Once it is deposited, it is canceled via a type machine that has your bank branch info on it. They use this to try to access your account and rob you blind
Reply:Did you buy a lottery ticket?

This is definitely a scam. I get about five per day.

Just delete it and ignore it..

dog teeth

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